This page has been created to publish your reviews of live performances of Berlioz’s music; there is a corresponding version in French. You are cordially invited to send us your views and comments on the concert(s) that you have attended. Your reviews will be published here under your own name.
The table below lists the reviews which we have received to date, in descending chronological order of the performances reviewed, with the latest at the top of the list. The chronological categories and the titles of the reviews are linked to the pages where they are located.
We would like to express our gratitude to the authors for their invaluable contributions to this page: John Ahouse, Vincent Arlettaz, Gunther Braam, Alastair Bruce (Lord Aberdare), Neil Butterworth, Dominique Catteau, Georges Combe, Jean-Philippe Dartevel, Thomas T. Field, Christopher Follett, Keith Gunnar, Gene Halaburt, Louis-Paul Lepaumier, Alan Merryweather, Michael Miller, Norbert Molina, Ray and Gerry Moore, James Morris, Maxwell Noble, Maria Nockin, Kevin O’Neill, Pierre Panet, Phillip Rutherford, Harry Saltzman, Pierre-René Serna, Molly Skardon, Anja-Rosa Thöming, Sue Vernon, Christian Wasselin, Mary Weber and Riq Willitts.
Copyright notice: The reviews published on this page are the intellectual property of the respective contributors and are subject to UK and International Copyright Laws. Their use/reproduction without the authors’ explicit permission is illegal.
The Hector Berlioz Website was created by Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin on 18 July 1997; Reviews of live performances page created in 1999; completely reorganised on 25 December 2008.
© Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin. All rights of reproduction reserved.