Unless otherwise stated all pictures on this page have been scanned from engravings, postcards and other publications in our own collection. All rights of reproduction reserved.
(score1 score2 / partition1 partition2)
Les Troyens (opera) [The horse outside the walls of the city]
Les Troyens (opera) [The horse being brought into the city]
Les Troyens (opera) [Andromaque mourning Hector]
Les Troyens (opera) [Capture of Troy]
Les Troyens (opera) [Enée telling Didon of the misfortunes of Troy]
Les Troyens (opera) [Royal Hunt and Storm]
Les Troyens (opera) [Enée at Delos]
The horse outside the walls of the city
Artist: to be established
The horse being brought into the city
Artist: Tiepolo Giovanni Domenico (1727-1804)
Andromaque mourning Hector
Artist: Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Capture of Troy
Artist: Jean-Baptiste Maublanc – date unknown
Enée telling Didon of the misfortunes of Troy
Artist: Pierre-Narcisse Guérin (1774-1833)
Royal Hunt and Storm
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
Enée at Delos
Artist: Claude Lorrain (1604/5-1682)
© Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin. All rights reserved.