All pictures on this page have been scanned from items in our own collection. All rights of reproduction reserved.
Complete series of Berlioz fèves
See also Georges Dupré’s plaquettes
See also Berlioz family home and Museum
* Fèves are hand
painted porcelain or ceramic figurines that originate in France. They are made
to be put inside an Epiphany Cake, or King Cake (Gâteau des Rois) for the Epiphany Festival (La fête de l’épiphanie ou fête
des rois), which is celebrated on 6 January. A long running tradition in France is to bake a special cake for this occasion, and insert in it a bean (fève). The person who finds the bean in his or her slice, is king/queen for the day and selects her/his queen or king. Nowadays this bean is replaced by a ceramic or porcelain figure. The fèves are small at one inch or less in size.
© (unless otherwise stated) Michel Austin and Monir Tayeb for all the texts and images on Berlioz Memorabilia pages.