The Hector Berlioz Website

Berlioz-inspired works of art : Berlioz on the screen

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    Unless otherwise stated all pictures on this page have been scanned from engravings, postcards and other publications in our own collection. All rights of reproduction reserved.


    Christian-Jaque created and directed the film La Symphonie Fantastique; J P Feydeau and H A Legrand wrote the scenario. The film was made during the German occupation of France as a symbol of defiance by the artistic community and the nation as a whole. It was released in 1942.

    There are some factual inaccuracies in the story and in the sequence of some events, but the main objective was in the message that it conveyed as inspired by Berlioz’s life and music.

    The pictures below have been scanned from L’Illustration of 18 April 1942, published in Paris, a copy of which is in our own collection.

I. Berlioz [Jean-Louis Barrault] and his fellow medical student and friend
   Antoine Charbonnel [Bernard Blier] moving to their new lodgings



II. Berlioz in his lodgings; he is sick and being looked after by Marie Martin [Renée Saint-Cyr]; 
     they are surprised by an unexpected visit by Berlioz’s mother, who is about to curse his son.



III. Berlioz meets Victor Hugo [Julien Bertheau] and Prosper Mérimée [Jean Darcante];
      Berlioz becomes a member of the « Jeunes France » [Young France]



IV. The Symphonie funèbre et triomphale is performed at the Imperial Theatre in Moscow



V. Berlioz in his old age



    See also on Berlioz Memorabilia page:

La Symphonie Fantastique – The Film (1)

La Symphonie Fantastique – The Film (2)

© Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin. All rights of reproduction reserved.

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