This page is also available in French.
This section is intended
to provide the texts and libretti of Berlioz’s vocal music, including his operas, masses, songs and other works accompanied with voices. All texts are given only in the original language (mostly French, except for sacred works in Latin).
For a full listing of all Berlioz’s musical works see Berlioz: A Listing of his Musical Works. You will also find details of major recordings of most of the works listed here in our Berlioz Discography pages. The scores of virtually all of Berlioz’s purely orchestral music are available in the section entitled Berlioz Music Scores with a detailed commentary on each work, together with a listing of known performances in Berlioz’s lifetime.
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Mr Pepijn van Doesburg, without whose help this section would not have been possible; he provided us with almost all of Berlioz’s libretti and texts, and suggested the creation of this section.
We are most grateful to
our friend Gene Halaburt for kindly providing us with the text of the Invitation à louer Dieu and Edouard Bouscatel’s 1860 French translation of the text of Erlkönig (Le Roi des Aulnes) which was used by Berlioz for his orchestral version. Our thanks also go to Alexei Zubkov for his contribution to the page on Les Francs-Juges, and to M. Martial Boens for his new French translation of Erlkönig (Le Roi des Aulnes).
Copyright notice: The texts, photos, images and musical scores on all pages of this site are
covered by UK Law and International Law. All rights of publication or reproduction of this material in any form, including Web page use, are
reserved. Their use without our explicit permission is illegal.

Note: The numbers in brackets refer to the numbers in D Kern Holoman’s Catalogue of the Works of Hector Berlioz (Bärenreiter, 1987; volume 25 of the New Berlioz Edition).
and other sacred works
Messe Solennelle [H20]
Grande Messe des morts (Requiem) [H75]
Te Deum [H118]
L’Enfance du Christ [H130]
Benvenuto Cellini – Paris 1 version [H76]
Benvenuto Cellini – Weimar version [H76]
Les Troyens [H133]
Béatrice et Bénédict [H138]
Le Freyschütz (Weber, recitatives by Berlioz)
Les Francs-Juges [H23]
La Nonne sanglante [H91]
works with vocal accompaniment
Lélio ou le retour à la vie [H55]
Huit Scènes de Faust [H33]
La Damnation de Faust [H111]
Roméo et Juliette [H79]
de Rome cantatas
La Mort d’Orphée [H25]
Herminie [H29]
Cléopâtre [H36]
Sardanapale [H50]
(surviving fragments)
Nuits d’été
Villanelle [H82]
Le Spectre de la rose [H83]
Sur les lagunes [H84]
Absence [H85]
Au cimetière [H86]
L’Île inconnue [H87]
mélodies – Irlande
Le Coucher du soleil [H39]
Hélène [H40]
Chant guerrier [H41]
La Belle voyageuse [H42]
Chanson à boire [H43]
Chant sacré [H44]
L’Origine de la harpe [H45]
Adieu, Bessy! [H46]
Élégie (en prose) [H47]
des landes
[H124] (comprising Le Matin, Petit oiseau, Le Trébuchet,
Le Jeune pâtre breton and Le Chant des Bretons, as listed below under Other vocal works)
[H110] (comprising Méditation religieuse, La Mort d’Ophélie, as listed below under Other vocal works, and Marche Funèbre pour la dernière scène d’Hamlet – with wordless chorus)
Other vocal works
Le Dépit de la bergère [H7]
Romance de l’opéra des Blaïse et Babet [H8]
Faut l’oublier [H8]
Romance de L’Opéra Comique [H8]
Le Maure jaloux [H9]
Amitié, reprends ton empire [H10]
Pleure, pauvre Colette [H11]
Canon libre à la quinte [H14]
Le Montagnard exilé [H15]
Toi qui l’aimas, verse des pleurs [H16]
Resurrexit [H20B]
Scène héroïque (La révolution
grecque) [H21]
Nocturne à deux voix [H31]
Le Ballet des ombres [H37]
Méditation religieuse [H56]
Quartetto e coro dei maggi [H59]
La Captive [H60]
Le Jeune pâtre breton [H65]
Les Champs [H67]
Sara la baigneuse [H69]
Je crois en vous [H70]
Le Chant des Bretons [H71]
Chansonnette de Mr Léon de Wailly [H73]
Le Cinq mai [H74]
Aubade [H78]
L’Apothéose (Symphonie funèbre et triomphale) [H80]
La Mort d’Ophélie [H92]
La Belle Isabeau [H94]
Hymne à la France [H97]
Le Chasseur danois [H104]
Zaïde [H107]
Chant des chemins de fer [H110]
Prière du matin [H112]
Le Trébuchet [H113]
Nessun maggior piacere [H114]
La Menace des Francs [H117]
Le Matin [H125]
Petit oiseau [H126]
L’Impériale [H129]
Hymne pour la consécration du nouveau tabernacle [H135]
Le Temple universel [H137]
Veni Creator [H141]
Tantum ergo [H142]
Vox Populi
[H120] (comprising Hymne à la France
and La Menace des Francs, as listed above under Other vocal works)
Feuillets d’album
[H121] (comprising Zaïde, Les Champs and Chant des Chemins de Fer, as listed above under Other vocal works)
Hymne des Marseillais [H51]
Chant du neuf Thermidor [H51bis]
Pater noster [H123]
Chant des chérubins (Adoremus) [H122]
Le Roi des Aulnes (Erlkönig) [H136] (including a new French translation)
Invitation à louer Dieu [H143]

The Hector Berlioz Website was created by Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin on 18 July 1997; The Berlioz Libretti pages created on 13 April
2003, revised on 1 November 2022.
© Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin. All rights of reproduction reserved.
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