The Hector Berlioz Website

Berlioz’s Birthplace – La Côte Saint-André

The Halles market

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    The Halles, a vaulted timbered structure, was built in the late 13th century by Maître Jacques de St Georges. Thursdays have traditionally been the market day and the Halles still attracts many people from La Côte and surrounding towns and villages. The Halles is a listed heritage building of the Department of Isère.

    In the decade 1979-1989 when Lyon used to host the Berlioz Festival, some of the concerts were held at La Côte; the Halles would serve as a temporary concert hall, a function it has continued to play on occasion.

Les Halles in pictures

    Unless otherwise stated, the photographs reproduced on this page were taken by Michel Austin in 1998 and 2008; other images have been reproduced from photos and postcards in our collection. © Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin. All rights of reproduction reserved.

    We are most grateful to M. Jean-Claude Luc who generously offered us a large selection of the photos that he had taken of various concerts at the Berlioz Festival in the 1980s; four of these are reproduced on this page.

1. Les Halles in times past

Les Halles on a market day


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Les Halles in 1943


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Les Halles on a market day


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2. Les Halles at the Berlioz Festival in the 1980s


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3. Les Halles in our time (1998, 2008)

Les Halles – 1998


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Les Halles – 1998


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Les Halles – 1998


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Les Halles – 2008


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Les Halles – 2008


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Les Halles – 2008


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Les Halles fountain covered in flower baskets – 2008


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Les Halles on a market day – 2008


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Les Halles on a market day – 2008


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© Monir Tayeb and Michel Austin for all the pictures and information on this page.

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